The SAIR conference is a unique opportunity to participate in a collegial learning experience while furthering the endeavors of Institutional Research, Assessment, and Planning.
Plan now to not only attend SAIR 45 in Norfolk, Virginia, but to also contribute by sharing your experience and your expertise with our colleagues. Consider projects you’ve recently completed, research you’ve conducted, and other helpful professional tips. Proposals addressing all areas relevant to the practice of institutional research, accreditation, assessment, community colleges, planning and technology are invited.
The Accreditation Track welcomes proposals addressing issues related to regional accreditors such as the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools and the Higher Learning Commission, and national and professional accreditors.
The Assessment Track welcomes proposals related to the critical evaluation of student success, and of administrative and academic support functions.
The Community College Track welcomes proposals addressing issues specific to two-year colleges, and other issues that are especially impactful to these institutions.
The Institutional Research Track welcomes proposals addressing the collection of data to inform institutional decisions through effective analyses.
The Planning Track welcomes proposals addressing how strategic planning, campus planning, and other planning processes shape institutional agendas, identify meaningful outcomes, and help effect change.
The Technology Track welcomes proposals that demonstrate creative and innovative uses of technology, such as business analytics, to support Institutional Research and Effectiveness activities.
Pre-conference workshops When you are submitting your presentation and seeking to assign to a particular track, please give consideration whether your topic would benefit from an expanded session length and be suitable for a 3 hour workshop. These workshops are rewarding for both the attendees and presenters. In past years over half of our attendees have participated in at least one pre-conference workshop.
All participants are expected to be paid registrants of SAIR 45. Submission of a session proposal acknowledges your intent to register for the 2018 SAIR conference. Honoraria are not paid to session presenters; presenters of a pre-conference workshop may be eligible for a partial refund of their registration fee, and reimbursement for reasonable costs associated with workshop materials.
Please do not hesitate in contacting me if you have any questions about the proposal submission process and thank you for your important contribution to the success of our 2018 conference.
Julie Fulgham
2018 SAIR Conference Program Chair
Mississippi State University - retiree
How Do I Complete the Online SAIR 2018 Call for Participation?
Enter your session title
Select one of the track options from the drop down menu that relates to your topic
Please paste your abstract and narrative into the boxes provided
An abstract of no more than 100 words is required. Although some editing may occur, most abstracts of accepted presentations will appear verbatim in the conference program.
A narrative representing the body of the proposal should cover the following: a) significance or timeliness of the topic; b) historical, theoretical, and/or conceptual framework; c) method of inquiry; d) analytical method; and e) intended audience.
No reference to authors or their institutions should appear in the body of the proposal.
When you've completed your proposal, click "press to submit your proposal" and you should then see a thank you message
Equipment: All presenters must furnish their own laptop computers for presentations. Computer projectors will be available in all rooms. Presenters can request the following additional equipment from SAIR (double click to unselect):
Internet Access
Computer Lab
Other (Explanation):
Primary Presenter
City, State, & Zip
Presenter 2 (Optional)
City, State, & Zip
Presenter 3 (Optional)
City, State, & Zip
Presenter 4 (Optional)
City, State, & Zip
Abstract (no more than 100 words):
Presenter Requirement: By submitting this form, you are indicating that you will be attending the SAIR 2018 conference as a paid attendee if your proposal is accepted, barring any emergency situations.